A Walk Through Hell, Volume 1 by Garth Ennis, Goran Sudžuka, Mike Marts & Rob Steen Review

Though I liked the cover for this book and the description sounded right up my alley, this book fell a little flat for me when compared to other horror comics. Though I’ve read a bunch of comics from Aftershock Comics before, I might have had my hopes a little high for the gore in this story. It is interesting, but it just wasn’t my new favourite story, and it was a little confusing with the flashbacks, or whatever they were. That being said, it wasn’t the worst, and I did like reading it.


3/5 Stars 120 pages
Published December 11th 2018 by Aftershock Comics

It starts off with a man and a woman going through a mall with a baby. Someone shoots the baby point blank, and the woman holding it dies too. Turns out six people were murdered that day, just two days before Christmas. This is when we’re introduced to Special FBI Agents Shaw and McGregor, who are headed to their job, reading tweets about the murders the whole way.


Through their investigation of the murders, they’re lead to a warehouse where people go in, and they don’t come back out. The swat team outside kills themselves out of fear of the place, and before they can stop the special agents, they head on in. This is the beginning of the strangest day of their lives. Sort of a Silent Hill vibe, they are knocked unconscious by an unknown factor. Waking up, they realize that they have no pulse. They start hearing things, and then wonder if they’re both hallucinating when they find a man that just is blowing his head off over and over and over again. Have they been transported to Hell? Judging by the title, I would say yes.


With all that out of the way, let me say that what I didn’t like about this, was the kind of disconnected flashbacks that they were having while in this warehouse. I was confused by them, wondering how they got out and went to a diner or back to the station when everyone else couldn’t get out. And then I realized they were memories. I also was hoping for more gore than there was in this book, but that’s my bad. I liked the characters, but I didn’t really get to know them in this volume. The world they live in is like our own, but clearly there’s a hell on earth somehow.


Will I be reading the next volume? I’m not sure. I don’t have a favourite character, and I wasn’t super into the story, but I did think it was spooky and intriguing. It wasn’t my cup of tea, but who’s to say it won’t be yours? Check it out if you think you’d like it.

You can grab a copy for yourself here.

Here’s a link to the only one of the creator’s Twitter accounts I could find, if you’d like to keep up with them.


Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think below, and I hope you have a good day.

Pretty Dark Nothing (Pretty Dark Nothing #1) by Heather L. Reid Review

As someone who occasionally has sleeping problems where I stay up for days, this book really called to me. The description was extremely intriguing, claiming that Quinn, a young teenage girl, hasn’t slept a full night in about twenty three days. She’s plagued by shadowy creatures when she does finally sleep, and it started about eighteen months ago when her dad walked out on her and her mother.


4/5 Stars 321 pages
Published April 23rd 2013 by Month9Books

The shadows aren’t just scary looking, but they tell her bad things. Taunting her, telling her she’s not good enough, and that her ex boyfriend never liked her. The story is told through the third person viewpoint, and alternates views every other chapter, between Quinn and another teenage boy named Aaron. He doesn’t have the happiest backstory either, after losing his mother and little sister in a car accident that he was present for, he almost lost his life as well. His father is a grief stricken alcoholic, and his little brother does whatever he wants. He’s not ready to be a parent, but he has to be for the sake of his family.


Though this seems like just another teen romance book from the drama that encapsulates the characters, it’s so much more than that. Yes, it has the makings of the those kind of books, but this story has angels, demons, the afterlife, and even death in it. I  really enjoyed getting to know the characters  and their “powers”, if you could call them that, and I had a very easy time picturing them reacting with the world they’re in. This was a book that I got and forgot about, and I wish I would have read it sooner because it’s really an interesting tale.


If you’d like to check out this book for yourself, you can do so here.


Here’s a link to the author’s Twitter, if you’d like to keep up with them.


Thanks for reading! Hope you have a good day.

Potency (Glow #1) by Aubrey Hadley Review

Looking for your next young adult book about aliens? Than this may be the one for you. At an epic six hundred and twenty pages, this story is gripping and unique. The cover is beautiful, and it’s really the reason that I picked it up in the first place, before even reading the description. It would make a wonderful addition to anyone’s bookshelf, and I think that it’s a story I’ll remember for a long time, not only because it’s a series, but also because it’s really interesting.


Following Harper, a seventeen year old girl living in Nevada, she lives her life a little sheltered. Lately she’s only able to hang out with her friends when she sneaks out, because of her seemingly overprotective mother, who not only home school’s her, but ever since she found out about a new kind of sleeping sickness invading the world, she’s not allowing her outside either, in case she catches it. After all, she doesn’t want one of her daughters to die.


4/5 Stars 620 pages
Published July 16th 2019 by Ruby & Topaz Publishing

The story begins with Harper running into her house carelessly after sneaking out and running through the desert. She sees something that she can’t believe with her own eyes, and she’s convinced that she’s part of some kind of conspiracy because of it. After all, who sees a shadow that glows rainbow in the middle of the desert in the middle of the night? She swears she’s never going to sneak out again after that, but of course, she does.


After that event, however, things start to change for her. After returning home from babysitting one day, she logs onto facebook to see a video of a man literally disappearing. After that, not only the video disappears, but her facebook account does too. Feeding into her conspiracy theory paranoia, she sneaks out to warn her friend, but returns home to find her house empty, and her neighbourhood being locked down in a quarantine. Her neighbour has caught the sleeping sickness, and the government isn’t going to let it spread any further. Her family has snuck out before the borders were set in place, and she’s left alone in her home, until she finds a familiar face. That’s when things start to take an even worse turn however. She’s abducted by aliens, and her new life begins.


This book was so different compared to the other books I’ve been reading lately. I’m always into a good first person alien book, and this one wasn’t any different. The only problem I really have with it, is that it was so long that I kind of lost interest at some parts and then came back to it. I would have liked to see it split into maybe two books, because of that.


The characters are really interesting, my favourite being Harper of course, since she’s the main point of the story. The aliens in this book were so different than other aliens I’ve read about, and I really enjoyed getting to know them and their world, as well as their technology. I’m really excited to see what happens in the next book, though I’m kind of hoping that it will be a little shorter. I think this book has the potential to have a lot of fans, and I’m interested to see where the rest of the story takes us.


Definitely check it out if you think this is something you’ll enjoy. The book is available here.

Thanks for reading!

The Shadow Prince (Mortal Enchantment #0.5) by Stacey O’Neale Review

Before I say anything about the insides of this book, I want to say that I love the cover. You might have recently seen me post about it here. It’s really aesthetically pleasing, and the colours work well together. I think it would make a beautiful addition to my bookshelf, if I ever get a paper copy. That being said, the story was equally beautiful. Following a sixteen year old fire elemental from the fire court, kind of like fae and an elemental magic user all rolled into one. Rowan is next in line to the fire court’s throne, and surprisingly his hateful mother is handing down the crown early. This will change his life forever, as we see in this story.


5/5 Stars 111 pages
Published March 25th 2014 by Phoenix Reign Publishing

I love reading prequel novella’s lately, because not only are they a nice break from regular length novels, they give you a little taste of a series you’ve never read before, and it’s easy to give new things a shot when you don’t have to completely commit. The world they live in is really interesting, and very easy to imagine. The characters aren’t annoying nobody teenagers, they’re very important to their world, and you could really get to know them through just this short book.


Reading this, I can’t wait to see what the rest of the series has in store. I’m really glad I gave it a chance, and I think it could really be a big hit. It’s so different from the usual fae or magic user books, murder and mysterious twists thrown in when you lease expect it, and to top it off can be pretty gory in places without being cheesy. I was sucked in from the moment I started, and I swear I’m addicted. My favourite character is of course the main one, and seeing things through his eyes was really cool. I can’t wait to see what happens next.


The book is available here.

Here’s a link to the author’s Twitter, if you’d like to keep up with them.

Thanks for reading!

Independence (Two Democracies: Revolution 0.5) by Alasdair C. Shaw Review

Though this is a very short read, I think that it’s a perfect start to a series I’ve never read before. You ever have a hard time committing to a series because you don’t know anything about it? Me too. That’s why I chose this week to read three prequel novella’s and review them.


4/5 Stars 31 pages
Published May 28th 2017

The cover is very interesting looking and very busy, and not in a bad way. One very unique thing about this book, is that it shows two points of view: one of space ship Commander Johnson, and the other of the opposing AI contained on the other ship. The world they live in is intriguing, and I’d love to get to know more about it. This was a very easy book to read and to follow in general.


It begins with an accident, or maybe it was on purpose. Commander Johnson responds to it, though they probably shouldn’t be alive right now. After all, no Destroyer has ever fought a Hunter-Killer. But her ship did it, and they came out on the other side. Through the third person viewpoint, we’re able to see her, I guess it would be daily life.


On the other hand, the other point of view we get to see is in first person, through an AI just named Indie. He’s been, what I can only imagine is horribly inured and stranded. Little does he know, however, that his life is about to change completely, and unlock things he never thought possible. Doesn’t that make you want to check out the rest of the series? Because I definitely do.


The book is available here.


Here’s a link to the author’s Twitter, if you’d like to keep up with them.

Thanks for reading!

Alexis vs. the Afterlife (The Alexis McRiott Jams, #1) by Marcus Alexander Hart Review

Ever wonder what happens to child stars of kids shows? Well this is one story. Alexis is a nineteen year old girl who has been squatting in various places since her stardom went down the drain. She’s in a one man metal band, and she’s going to rock the world one day. Or at least, that’s what she wants. She plays a set in a dive bar, and a man named Epic Tom gives her a recording deal under one condition: she joins a teen pop band. She would be crazy to say no, right?


4/5 Stars 311 pages
Published: July 9th 2019 by Canaby Press, LLC

Unfortunately, this is not the life that the universe has planned for her. That night, she decides not to celebrate, but to throw the expensive bottle of champagne off the roof to prove to herself that she’s going to change her ways. What she doesn’t see coming, however, is the cork.


This is a supernatural story of ghosts, grim reapers, poltergeists, and ancient magic. Though it’s not something I would usually pick up, the cover and the description really pulled me into it and forced me to give it a chance. Am I glad I did? Absolutely. Was it my new favourite book? No, but it was still a wild ride. If you’re looking for something hilarious and silly, grown up and yet still childish at the same time, than this is the book for you. Alexis is a strong female lead for the story, and I couldn’t have seen anyone else taking her place. The world that she lives in is a little out there at times, but I could easily imagine it. If this is something you think you’d like, I’d say definitely give it a shot!


The book is available here.

Here’s the author’s Twitter, if you’d like to keep up with them.

Thanks for reading!

Fortuna Sworn (Fortuna Sworn #1) by K.J. Sutton Review

At first glance, I wasn’t sure I would even like this book. Though it has a beautiful cover, it seemed like the events that were leading up to the description were happening too fast, and at a third of the way through the book, I was confused where it was going. That all changed, however, and I became obsessed with the story, unable to put it down for a single second. I imagine that’s how a ton of other people will feel, too, after reading this book.


5/5 Stars 310 pages
Published July 9th 2019 by Once Upon a Time Books, LLC

Beginning with a scene from over half way through the book, Fortuna is scrubbing her hands raw. She’s just killed someone, and she’s never going to forget it. That’s where it snaps back to two weeks before, when she was kidnapped, thrown into a cage, and then thrown into a van. The paranormal, or the Fallen, as they’re referred to in this book, are more often than not hunted for sport, and meat, as humans are supposedly able to gain powers from eating them. They thought she was a werewolf, or a faerie, but she’s a Nightmare.


Being a Nightmare, she’s able to rout around in a person’s head, finding their worst fear, and manifesting it. She thrives on heartache, fear, and anything else related to that. Of course the paranormal exist, and they’re all descendant from fallen angels, hence the name Fallen. Being sold in auctions, this is a brutal world for them, but Fortuna is stronger than even she knows.


This book is an exciting and heart wrenching tail of a long lost brother, and the land of the unseelie court. Though it’s not a new take on faeries, it is a new take on the paranormal in general, and I welcomed a change. I feel like there are so many books that are just the same story over and over, but this one wasn’t. Let me just add before I finish, that the ending was such a shocker to me. I can’t wait to see what happens next.


The book is available here, and here’s a link to the author’s Twitter, if you’d like to keep up with them.

Thanks for reading!

Bronze Dragon: Riders of Fire (Dragons’ Realm Novella) by Eileen Mueller Review

Are you looking for a third person fantasy novella full of dragons, magic and fighting? Do you like when one of the  points of view is from the dragon itself? Then this might be something you’ll want to look into. Following a dragon named Handel and his handler Idelian, it shows their lives as they quickly change course entirely and end up somewhere they never thought they’d be.


You may have noticed I posted this book not too long ago as it was a free book in my inbox. That’s kind of what spurred me reading this, though I have tons of books I need to get to, this was a short and easy read. The world it’s set in isn’t especially exciting, but the characters and kinds of characters inside it makes it.


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4/5 Stars 89 pages
Published December 2nd 2018 by Phantom Feather Press

Although it’s not something I’d usually read, I was quickly swept up into the world inside this book, and I’m glad I gave it a chance. Able to mind meld, we get to see a seamless transition between dragon and rider, because they can not only speak to each other inside their minds, but they can send pictures and feelings as well. That’s just something that comes naturally to both dragons and their riders.


We also learn about Hans, a young boy. This story was unexpectedly exciting, and something I was really into. Though I don’t usually like books about magic and dragons, this was interesting and kept me sucked in the whole time. A quick read, I finished in less than an hour.


Because this is a novella, like another book I read recently, it’s half ads. After about 65%, that’s all there is to the book. I’m not mad about seeing them, I just think it’s a little bit of false advertising to say that the book is this long even though a lot of is is ads and descriptions for the other books in the series. This is why I only give it 4 stars.


The book is available here.

Here’s a link to the author’s Twitter.



Thanks for reading!

The Twisted Window by Lois Duncan Review

If you want your next read to be an exciting young adult thriller, than this may just be the book you might want to grab. Following two teenagers, Brad and Tracy, it show their lives in third person. Starting out semi normal, Tracy goes to school and sees a new boy staring at her from a distance. Little does she know, that he doesn’t go to the school that she does, and that he actually lives in another state. But he’s come here to find someone just like her, and he won’t stop until he gets her help.

4/5 Stars 194 pages
Published August 28th 2012 by Open Road Media YA (first published 1987)

Originally published in 1987 and re-released in 2012, this book is only about 200 pages, tops. It’s a quick read, but it really sucks you in. Although, I do have to say, I kind of called the story from about a third of the way through. Maybe that’s just me being insightful. The characters are believable for their age, though Tracy’s guardians got on my nerves a bit. They seemed kind of like the stereotypical annoying too many rules parents.


Overall, I didn’t take a break while I was reading this. I think if you’re looking for something thrilling and maybe a little different from your usual books, if you’re like me and usually read some kind of science fiction or fantasy. It was a nice read, and although it’s not my new favourite, I’m glad I read it. I think lots of people would like this book if they picked it up.

The book is available here.

Thanks for reading!

How to Stay Human in a F*cked-Up World: Mindfulness Practices for Real Life by Tim Desmond Review

Do you need a good book to remind you to stay positive and meditate, even if you don’t know how to do that? This is the perfect book for that. With easy to follow chapters and even easier to follow instructions, packed full of relatable content, this book is a funny and reaffirming way to keep your life together when it seems like you cant.


5/5 Stars 208 pages
Published June 25th 2019 by HarperOne

Let me first say, that I love the title for this book. I think it’s something that really appeals to someone like me, who can’t always keep control in the world when things turn sour. It seems really raw and real. The book begins talking about six days after Donald Trump won the election for the President of the United States, when his wife woke up in the middle of the night and ended up having to go to the ER. The cancer she had been fighting for more than a year had spread, and several hours later she emerged from surgery. That day, he had to teach their three year old son not to touch his mom’s tube that she had in her side.


This book taught me that although life is kind of a rollercoaster, the best way to get through it is just to accept that it happens, and you won’t feel this way forever. It gives tips on how to keep your mindfulness and still live your life, and how to meditate if you don’t know how. The sheer magnitude of violence and bad things that happen in the world matter, but you don’t have to let them bring you down in the process of working through them. This book is everyone’s guide to embracing mindfulness and compassion.


The book is available here, and here’s a link to the author’s Twitter, if you’d like to follow them.

Thanks for reading!