Been a While

Hey everyone! Sorry for the lack of posts the last couple months. But it’s fall, and it’s time for a change.

dried leaves
Photo by Artem Beliaikin on

I started a new job, and couldn’t even look at books. That’s all going to change though! I can feel it. Though I won’t be posting as many times as I was before, I’ll still be working hard to keep up with the reviews and the newest books.

I can also continue with the Youtube videos, as I’ve found all of my filming things I needed. So keep an eye out for new unboxings and other videos!


I’m really excited for what’s coming for the blog, and for everyone else to get to see it too.

Thank you for your patience. If you’ve sent me books to review in the past, just know that I’m working on it and I will get to everything eventually.


Hope you have a good night!