October is going to be a Busy Month

Anyone else’s October packed full of things to do? For me, it wasn’t intentional. I’ve been trying to lay low and keep things easy for myself due to my insane anxiety lately. But October is going to change that.

Photo by Valeria Boltneva on Pexels.com

I accidentally have so many books I need to review that are coming out at the beginning of the month and the second week of the month. The end, not so much. But the beginning is packed full. I didn’t do this intentionally, but I am not mad about it, I’m loving getting back into all the new books coming out.

So just beware, there’s probably going to be a lot of review posts coming out in October. But I’ll keep trying to break them up with posts like these, unboxings, and other things (especially youtube things). I’m excited to show you what I’ve been reading finally!

Hope you’re doing well and staying safe. Thanks for being with me, as always. It means a lot. This blog is my whole world, aside from the few friends I have, and my cat. I don’t know what I would do without it.

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