Extinct: An Illustrated Exploration of Animals That Have Disappeared by Lucas Riera & Jack Tite Review

4/5 Stars 50 pages
Published December 11th 2019 by Phaidon Press

Honestly, I’ve had this book for a while. Though I love the idea, I just felt like it was going to be a book that made me sad after I read it, and that’s not something I wanted to put myself though with everything lately. However, I was wrong. It gave me hope that we can save future animals, though it did make me sad for the species we’ve lost.

This is a picture book with very important and interesting information about a lot of the animals that have disappeared from the world. I really loved the pictures, the art style was so unique. The little blurbs about each picture were really helpful too, and I feel like I learned a lot even though this book was like fifty pages. I would absolutely love to have a copy of this on my bookshelf one day.

Photo by Richard Verbeek on Pexels.com

Here’s some of the things I’ve learned from reading this book. Not every tiger species have the same amount, or even pattern of stripes. A lot of the animals that have gone extinct happened in the early 1900’s, and the early 2000’s. There used to be an animal that looked like a tiger, but was actually closer to kangaroo’s, and had a pouch for their young. The California grizzly was extinct by humans, and some were lassoed and forced to fight bulls for entertainment. And the last thing I wanted to share was that I learned about a type of frog where the females swallowed their eggs, and in six weeks, the babies would crawl from her mouth.

Photo by nastia on Pexels.com

I highly recommend checking out this book if you have the chance. Not only is it beautiful and informative, but it really is something different than anything I’ve read lately, and I think a lot of people would like it. And it gives some amazing information about how to save not only the animals but the planet by doing small things. Because every little thing counts.

If you’d like to grab a copy for yourself, you can grab one here.

Thanks for reading! Hope you’re doing great and staying safe. Are you interested in books like these? I’ve been slowly trying to get back into non-fiction, and this was a great start.

Plant Parenting: Easy Ways to Make More Houseplants, Vegetables, and Flowers by Leslie F. Halleck Review

Full of beautiful plant pictures, this book has everything you need to know if you’re thinking about starting, multiplying, and keeping a garden as healthy as it can possibly be. The pictures in this book are not only crystal clear, but also vibrant and very green, making my plant look a little sad in comparison. If you’re thinking about growing your plant collection/family, you need to pick up this book.


5/5 Stars 264 pages
Published June 11th 2019 by Timber Press

Obviously if you love having plants, you’re going to love this book. It’s all about the different ways to multiply your plants, keep them disease free, and the different tools and materials you can use to create your seedling garden inside and out. The author talks about plants in a very personal way, and tells the story about the exact age when they decided to get into growing plants, which was seven years old. I think that this book is good for newbies and long time growers alike, with everyone learning something interesting from this book. It also helps you plan out your plants whether you have a balcony garden, or an entire backyard.



I learned a lot from this book, including the fact that typically plants multiply in two different ways; seeds and clones. Clones are created by taking a cutting and growing it into a separate plant, and you can even grow plants with tissue extractions in Petri dishes. This book also includes lists of the plants you can grow, and how they can reproduce, also how much light they need. It has everything! I’ll definitely need to pick up a paper copy for myself, and if this is something you’re interested in, so will you.


The book is available here, and here’s a link to the author’s Twitter, if you’d like to keep up with them.

Thanks for reading!