Cold Season

It’s the best time, even though it’s not always fun to stomp through the snow in the cold. It’s the time when you get to stay inside, because that’s where it’s warm, and that’s what everyone else is doing. When you can do what you want, and no one judges you, because they’re all doing the same. And everything is nice.

I love baking, and crafting and painting as well as reading. I’ve been really into keeping my hands busy and I hope it’s something I get better and better at. It’s nice to just do what you want.

Origami Farm: For Beginners by Anne (Andy) Passchier Review

4/5 Stars 96 pages
Published October 14th 2020 by Dover Publications

I’m going to be honest, paper crafts haven’t always been my thing. And I wouldn’t really say that they are now. But for some reason, I thought it would be fun to try with a beginner origami book, and boy was I right. I had so much fun making these crazy looking little animals, and I can’t wait to do it all again with the safari book.

I don’t really think that all of the designs in this book are for beginners, but I think maybe with a little practice on the easy and medium ones you’d be able to get to the hard ones, but I don’t recommend trying to do them right off the bat because yikes. Mine did not turn out at all. But that’s okay. This is really the only time I’ve tried to do origami other than making those little paper star things everyone was obsessed with in elementary school, and I think that this book was a fun little stepping stone.

If you’d like to grab a copy, you can do so through my Amazon Associates link, here.

And if you’d like to keep up with the creator, you can follow them on Instagam here!

Thanks for reading! Hope you’re having a great day and enjoying my horrific looking origami animals.

Paper Girl by Cindy R. Wilson Review

Paper Girl
by Cindy R. Wilson  5/5 Stars 400 Pages Published December 4th 2018 by Entangled: Teen

First off, I would like to say that I love the cover for this book so much. It really stands out to me, and sometimes with young adult books, the covers kind of blur together because they’re very similar. This one has no problem being unique. A debut novel from author Cindy R. Wilson, I think it’s a perfect start to her career, and a really good insight to her writing. If you see this book, you’ll have to check it out.


Zoe is a young teenage girl who has crippling social anxiety. She’s left school, and been homeschooled for quite some time now. Mae misses going places with her sister, because Zoe has chosen not to leave her apartment for just over a year now, to avoid feeling nervous or anxious. This is a book about not only learning more about yourself, but overcoming that anxious feeling, tossing it aside, and living your life no matter what. Even if something stands in your way.


Her favourite thing at the moment is paper crafts, and she’s covered her entire room with them. She also is really into chess, and holds the top spot in her online chess league. That’s where she talks to her best friend, someone she never expects to meet, but holds very deep in her heart. Little does she know it’s the last person she expects it to be.


The story alternates perspectives between Zoe, and Jackson, a homeless teenager who’s about to graduate and head off to college. He has a rocky relationship with his drug addicted and alcoholic father, and has had a hard time at home since his mother died. He left because he thought it would be better for both of them, and though it’s made life harder for him, he seems to adapt well to big changes.


This book is very well written, and I didn’t feel at all like I was too old to be reading this, even though I’m not a teenager anymore, and the characters are younger than me. My favourite character would have to be Jackson, because he seems to push through anything he can so that he can get what he wants, no matter what. He’s optimistic when other people would be depressed, and he just seems like that kind of person that’s always happy and smiling. The world they live in is exactly like our own, so there’s no problems there.


Overall I really enjoyed reading this novel, and it was really easy to slip into the story and really take a lesson from it. The lesson here is, don’t let things stand in the way of you living your life. I think that’s really important, because you never want to let your life pass you by. If you’re a fan of young adult novels of any kind, or really just any feel good books, you’re going to love this one. Definitely check it out if you get the chance. The book is available here, and here’s a link to the author’s Twitter if you’d like to keep up with her.


Thanks for reading!