The Sustainable Home: An Inspirational Guide to Maintaining a Sustainable Household by Christine Liu Review

The Sustainable Home: An Inspirational Guide to Maintaining a Sustainable Household by Christine Liu 5/5 Stars 160 pages
Published October 16th 2018 by White Lion Publishing

If you love learning about being more eco friendly and less wasteful, then this is the book for you. Every page of this book was interesting, and I really feel like I learned something. Did you know that for every pound of product created, seven pounds is wasted worldwide? That’s just one of the things I’ve learned, and that’s really something that will stick with me. Even just buying second hand furniture helps.

Even if it’s just composting or turning off your electronics when you’re not using them, every little bit helps in term of helping the planet. So many things are created to break easily, and they always end up just sitting in the landfill for hundreds of years while they slowly decompose. I want to do all I can to help the environment, so when I see books like these, on this kind of topic, I always want to read them. This one doesn’t read like a textbook, and I really feel like I learned something after finishing it.

Not only does it touch on topics like other solutions for power, it gives you easy steps to become a minimalist, how to save money and which things to unplug when you’re not using them, and how to also feel better while at the still time saving money. Ever think about wanting a garden, or growing herbs for your kitchen, or even just having houseplants? This book has everything. Recipes for eco friendly and meat free food, and I can’t wait to try them.

Deforestation is the second leading cause of climate change, and nearly thirty percent of all furniture going into landfills are still usable. This is a book I think everyone should read, it’s interesting, it’s informative, and it’s really just a good book all around. The pictures are really clear and easy to follow, and I’m glad I read it. Everyone is responsible for this planet, and it’s about time we do something to change where we’re headed. It’s not going to be long until we do irreversible damage to the planet. The book is available here.


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