Get “The Discovery of Socket Greeny” (Socket Greeny #1) by Tony Bertauski For Free!

Today I realized I was locked out of the house while I was enjoying dinner with my friend and her boyfriend. I had to climb through one of my windows. Does that count as breaking into my own house? It felt like it.

Anyways, I found this book in my inbox, and thought I should share it with you. I’ve read one of Tony Bertauski’s books before, and I’m intrigued to see what the others he has are like. This is one of them.


8734255The description says that; “work has always come first for Socket Greeny’s mother, ever since his father died. But when she shows him the inner workings of the Paladin Nation, he discovers why.

“Paladins traverse the planet through wormholes to keep the world safe, but from what, they won’t say. Although his parents were not actually one of them, Socket is different. He soon finds himself in the center of controversy and betrayal when he’s anointed the Paladin Nation’s prodigy. He didn’t ask for the “blessing” of psychic powers and the ability to timeslice and he doesn’t want to be responsible for the world. He just wants to go home and back to school and be normal again.”


With 85 reviews on Goodreads, this book has about a 3.6 star rating out of five. I’m excited to check it out, and if you’d like to get a copy of it, you can do so here.


Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think below, whether you’ve read it or just grabbed a copy.

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